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Below are some of the common approaches to therapy that I use in sessions. Please reach out if you have any questions. (This list is not exhaustive.)


I utilize Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as my primary methodology with individuals. I believe that our thoughts and beliefs greatly influence our behaviors. While providing a supportive, compassionate environment we will work together as a team to understand the hurdles you're facing and ways to overcome them. 

 I will employ a variety of techniques tailored specifically to you. You will not be required to participate in any technique you are not comfortable with. This is a team approach between you and I, so all treatments will be mutually agreed upon.

In addition to CBT I also commonly use EMDR (see below) for trauma reprocessing and am incorporating Internal Family Systems and nutrition integration. 

I do not specifically see couples, however, I do have training in various couples therapy methods in order to best serve individuals and improve communication and relationship dynamics. I am trained in: 

  • Gottman Method Couples Therapy levels 1&2

  • PREPARE/ENRICH Premarital & Couples Counseling


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a counseling approach based on the premise that thoughts and beliefs influence behavior. The goal is to modify dysfunctional emotions, behaviors, and thoughts. CBT focuses on solutions and encouraging clients to challenge distorted cognitions and change destructive thought and behavior patterns.


EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing. It is a therapy that utilizes bilateral stimulation (every other side of the body)  while focusing on a traumatic memory. EMDR has been shown to be very effective to reprocess trauma and reduces the intensity of the emotions associated with the memories. This therapy does not require you to share details of your traumas with your therapist, nor does it require you to "relive' your traumas. Please ask for more information.

Here are two videos I've found helpful to learn more about what EMDR is and how and EMDR reprocessing session goes. 

These are not my content and are for informational purposes only. 

EMDRIA educational video

Mock EMDR session


Gottman Method Couples Therapy is a science backed approach to couples therapy that utilizes various exercises designed to create relationship dynamics and habits that have proven to keep couples together and happy together. You will learn how to improve communication in a way that allows you to understand your partner and to be understood. You will gain tools that are applicable in daily life and can be used right away in various situations such as conflict management, improving friendship and trust, and building a future together again.


Prepare/Enrich is another evidenced based couples therapy approach that looks at your relationship styles, communication styles, and provides personalized reports to help strengthen and build your relationship. This approach provides practical exercises you will be able to implement in your relationship immediately.


Nutritional health can be a large factor in mental health and can provide an additional tool to help you reach your mental health goals. Together we will discuss options of foods and supplements to add to or alter in your regular diet to help you feel your best both mentally and physically. This is not a "diet" or weight loss focused approach! 


Our bodies hold our experiences and provide us information about the past and present. Sometimes we are too "in our heads" and it can be helpful to draw our attention to our bodies. Other times we experience most of our symptoms physically such as with gastrointestinal problems, pain, the common "butterflies in the stomach", etc. Either way, we can use this information to better understand what we are going through, where to focus, and find tools that work best for you to release the pain or symptoms and begin healing.

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