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Valley Counseling has been a dream of mine for years starting with my journey to medical school. As you can see, I am not a doctor, so my plans and vision have shifted over the years. I'll give the somewhat short summary of how I got here, who I am, and how I can help you.

      I grew up here in Oregon with my parents and older siblings. I grew up out in the country with many pets, playing with friends, and riding horses. In high school I decided I wanted to become a doctor and possibly an Army doctor, so that's the path I headed down. I did my undergraduate degree in biology with a minor in chemistry and 2 emphases: one in Biblical studies and one in military science. I commissioned into the Army and served in the Army for a number of years. Upon discharging from the military I did actually enter medical school, but soon realized it wasn't for me. I moved back home here to Oregon and began my masters program.

I graduated from Colorado Christian University with a Masters of Arts in Clinical Mental Health in 2021 and began my internship at Arise Counseling Service. I can't speak highly enough of them and have learned and honed numerous modalities over the years that I now bring to you. Please read more on my Therapy Approaches page about modalities I use.

More about who I am. Given my science background, I enjoy researching and learning which means that I also like therapy approaches that are more concise and straight forward. I like to use a lot of education in my sessions and teach you WHY we are doing what we are doing. You are the expert on you and I have the expertise in my field. I want to come along side you to teach you the tools to create the life you want and the knowledge to know how to do that on your own in the future. 

On my off time I like to read both work related things and other topics, watch TV when possible (I'm usually watching kids shows with my son), enjoying my flowers in my yard, baking sometimes, and learning foreign languages. My son and I like to go for walks and, of course, go to the park for him to play.  I LOVE to travel and spend way too much time planning "someday" vacations. My son is the best little travel buddy and I'm so excited to get to show him different cultures and explore the world. 

I follow the Christian faith, however, that is my personal choice and something I follow in my personal life. I work with clients of all genders, ethnicities, sexual orientations, and all faith/religions. You will be met with compassion and understanding no matter what faith you align with, if any. My personal faith will not be part of the sessions unless you ask. 

I hope this gave you a bit of insight into who I am and how you might enjoy working with me. Please read more about the modalities I use and my therapy approach on my "Therapy Approaches" page.

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